Dog Training Book

Dog training advice & books

Archive for August, 2010

Dog Training Book

Is it really possible to learn how to train a dog using a dog training book?

0Dog training Dog Training BookDog training books have been around for many years and today they are still basically the same as they were a long time ago. The only real advancement is that now there are courses presented in video format as well. You can purchase dog training books on DVD or as on video files for available for download off the Internet.

The basic techniques for dog training are still the same as they have always been as the essentials of training any dog is to be able to understand the nature of the dog and how it adapts its behavior within its own natural environment. You then have to apply these principle behavioral factors to your dog in your home. This can be the most effective and natural way to train any dog and forms the basis of virtually all dog training books and dog training courses.

You need to be able to communicate with your dog on its own level. By understanding how the communication works in the dogs own natural environment, i.e. in the pack then you should be able to emulate this behavior to some degree and include it in your dog training. I really like the idea of becoming the alpha dog in your own pack where your pack is your family. Your dog should become one of your pack members which it will do willingly as most dogs do not want the responsibility of being the alpha dog. Don’t let your dog feel it has to undertake this role, reinforce your role as alpha person and the training of your dog will become a piece of cake.

This is the basis of the dog training book both old and new.

Technorati Tags: dog training, dog training book, dog training dvd, dog training video

Dog Training Advice - Do You Speak Dog?

perro gigante 216x300 Dog Training Advice   Do You Speak Dog?

If you need dog training advice for your dog, be it a puppy or an older dog, in order to be successful you have to be able to establish some sort of communication between you and the animal. Once you have figured out how to do this then making a connection can be quite easy and you will also find it to be quite rewarding both for you and your dog. You will also notice that your dog will be happier knowing that there is a clear line of communication between you.

So how do you communicate with your dog? It appears that many dogs will understand you when you talk, i.e. the dog will obey your vocal commands but more than understand the words you are saying the dog will hear the inflections in your voice and will in fact be reading your body language more than hearing and understanding your words. That is how the dog hears you and your commands.

Another important factor when it comes to communicating with your dog is to understand how the dog behaves in a natural setting. Dogs are pack animals and if you can truly understand this and act in accordance then there will be a very high level of understanding and respect between you and your dog. Also there will be a much higher amount of obedience. If you understand the nature of the pack behavior then you can start to act that way yourself to reinforce this in your dog. For example, all packs need a leader, an alpha dog. Amongst the dogs in the pack this is a position that not all will be happy taking and it is much easier for the majority to sit back and be led.

The lead dog establishes the rules. There are certain natural rules that seem to occur, for example, all dogs will move out of the way when a lead dog comes by… so never walk around your dog instead make him move out of your way. The lead dog always eats first and leaves the rest for the others…. so you do the same. Let your dog see you eat and then feed your dog after you have eaten.

Observing just of few of these examples of pack behavior and applying them to your everyday existence with your dog will strengthen your position as alpha person in your pack and increase the bond and fidelity with your dog.

Technorati Tags: alpha dog, dog communication, dog obedience, dog packs, dog training, dog training advice