Check out these prevent dog from digging images:
Just another brick in the lawn….
Image by dieselbug2007
Same mole hole, but the brick is to prevent our dog from digging at it.
Dad’s brilliant idea….
Dog House Through the Rubber Flap
Image by Feral Indeed!
I can actually see Quey’s doghouse through the thick rubbery new flap on the doggy door!
The dogpen is surrounded by a 6 foot high chainlink fence.
The dog house is supported by large heavy planks of wood to prevent it from plunging into the humongous hole the dogs dug. I think my Akitas were determined to have a "basement"!
Quey doesn’t even go inside here. My Akitas before him did. But Quey loves it when it’s icy cold outside, so he has no reason to use it.
Minerva, on the other hand, likes to lay in the doorway, and under the house when Quey is outside with her.
As a note:
Those are antique license plates tacked to the roof. Various States, from the very early 1900′s.
An Amish plaque from Lancaster, PA, usually nailed to the sides of a barn or a home in Amish country for abundant life.
The newer plate, tacked on the frontside of the house, "LUV-U2", I found at a garage sale.
That’s fake Saguaro cactus! I wouldn’t want my goofy boy to hurt himself playing with a real one!
That’s a cat toy in the foreground!
I used to think Minerva was taking things outside at night. Wishful thinking on my part. I’ve since discovered that Quey steals things that don’t belong to him!
Akita Dogs