by Ken Lund
Question by jbgp1200: How can I prevent my dog from digging up the yard?
I have a 4 month old Golden Doodle puppy. She is cute, fun and playful and I love her to death.
I also have a brand new house with a brand new front and back lawn that I also sorta like. Unfortunately I have a few large holes in my yard now because my playful lovable dog thinks its fun to dig up the yard. I now cant let her out without taking my eyes off her for a second.
How can I prevent my dog from digging up the yard?
Best answer:
Answer by Bozema
Some dogs just love to dig. Build her her very own sandbox where she can dig to heart’s content. Believe it or not, dogs can be trained to dig in a designated area.
What do you think? Answer below!
sprinkle hot pepper in the area
Sometimes dogs dig to cool themselves off. Do you live in a warm climate? If so, get her a childs plastic wading pool she can play in.
I had good results by burying my dog’s poo where he was digging. It stopped at that point and went to another spot. I
finally resigned an area for him to dig and he did eventually go there to do his excavations. It took about 2 months to complete the transition.
provide her more exercise and correct her every time she starts digging. This will require you to be with her all the time until she gets it, but she’ll learn.
There are a few answers to this:
Best is to fence of part of your back yard and give this part of the garden over to the dog. To do with as it pleases.
Second best is to get those doggie shoes you can purchase of internet or you can make your own. They simply fit over the dogs feet like our shoes thus stopping his claws from being able to dig.
You could conctrete a part of your garden.
You need a penny can. Get an empty pop-top can (like a can of soda or can of broth—open the top, empty the contents, rinse and dry out, then put in about 5-10 pennies and tape a piece of heavy paper over the opening to seal). When you shake the can it should make a loud clanking noise. Now, when your dog is in the yard and starts to dig, go outside and shake the can. It should scare the dog. If it starts to dig again, shake the can and then throw it near the dog (making sure not to hit the dog with the can). It usually makes so much noise it scares them. You’re going to have to really watch your dog and try to catch him digging every time and shake/throw the can at him. Within one week he shouldn’t dig anymore. I’ve had many dogs and used this technique and it really works. Also, some pet supply and training centers sell penny cans. Good Luck!
Your puppy is bored. Dogs of all ages need exercise and plenty of it. When it digs it is doing it to release energy and frustration. Give the pup more exercise and use some of the other ideas mentioned by others. I used small water balloons. Blow them up and bury them where the pup is digging. When he hits the balloon it will pop and scare him. But exercise and plenty of it will also reduce the problem.
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