Dog Training Book

Dog training advice & books

Archive for January, 2011

How do you stop a dog from digging holes in the backyard?

Question by lori7826: How do you stop a dog from digging holes in the backyard?
How do you stop a dog from digging in the yard? My dog digs a hole to get under the fence to escape the backyard. I do not own this house and the guy is trying to sell it. He will not be happy if he sees holes by the fence. I have blocked the area with rocks, but he just moves over and starts digging. We have tried punishing him, but he just doesn’t get it. HELP or I will have to give him away and that is a TOTALLY last resort.
Serious solutions, not feedbacks from idiots who have no life.

Best answer:

Answer by Kissel
you can either get rid of the dog or get rid of the yard.

What do you think? Answer below!

Technorati Tags: backyard, digging, from, holes, Stop

Moik & Patches, State Capitol, Sacramento, California

Some cool positive dog training images:

Moik & Patches, State Capitol, Sacramento, California

Image by ex_magician
Patches - R.I.P.

Patches, the dog we had before the famous Ringo, was a good trail dog, intelligent, and well-trained; but he was incredibly aggressive. He wanted to attack and kill the entire world of dogs (and cats, squirrels, you name it). Note the bag of treats I am holding - regrettably positive training didn’t work. Anyway after a year of training, dog behaviorists, yada yada yada, I grew tired of him attacking our other dog, a senior citizen pit bull mix, Winkee. I even had to take Patches into the bathroom with me otherwise he would try to beat up Winkee - so I gave up and sent him back to the cattle dog rescue where he was a menace to the other animals and unplacable in a new home. He was even evaluated as a prison dog, where he would be a companion to and rehabbed by young men who were incarcerated - but he would have to stay in a kennel next to other dogs - no dice. Ultimately he was euthanized. He was the dog who broke my heart. I feel extremely fortunate to have Ringo - the nicest dog you will ever meet.

Cattle Dog Rescue (Oregon):

Dog Behaviorist (Far Northern Cal / Southern Oregon):

Photo by Terry.

dog trainers

Image by bunchofpants
in Parque Carolina. As a positive dog-training type, I had some issues with their methods …

Come Bye
2423942208 a84e7f21d3 Moik & Patches, State Capitol, Sacramento, California

Image by bermudi
also called distance by traininglevels people…

Technorati Tags: California, Capitol, Moik, Patches, Sacramento, State

Guide Dog

Guide dogs can make life easier for the visually impaired - leading them through busy streets and potentially dangerous situations. But someone must teach these amazing animals before they can serve an owner. One young Tennessee 4-Her is a guide dog trainer.

A guide dog commercial

Technorati Tags: Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Dog

A few guide dog products I can recommend:

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Dog
Hot New Product! No competition in this niche and potential market of 13 million people a year in USA alone! The Only online guide which specifically deals with choosing dogs for people with dog allergies. Actively seeking affiliates.
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Dog

Technorati Tags: Choosing, Guide, Ultimate

Rascal Dog Litter Box “Little Squirt” ™ - DESIGNED JUST FOR TOY/SMALL BREEDS! Reviews

Rascal Dog Litter Box “Little Squirt” ™ - DESIGNED JUST FOR TOY/SMALL BREEDS!

51SPJ3qOFkL. SL160  Rascal Dog Litter Box Little Squirt (tm)   DESIGNED JUST FOR TOY/SMALL BREEDS! Reviews


GUARANTEED! SHIPS IN 24 HOURS on weekdays! The Rascal Dog Litter Box “Little Squirt” is the MEDIUM size litter box. The LITTLE SQUIRT is an innovative litter box system to meet your dog’s elimination needs! FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!! An 8 oz TRAINING SPRAY AND TRAINING TIPS. Please read the two pages of AMAZON VERIFIED PURCHASE reviews on the product as well as the reviews under the seller account! THE LITTER BOX IS DESIGNED FOR TOY/SMALL BREEDS under 8 lbs. No more costly dog litter/piddle pads t

buynow big Rascal Dog Litter Box Little Squirt (tm)   DESIGNED JUST FOR TOY/SMALL BREEDS! Reviews

List Price: $ 49.50


Technorati Tags: Breeds, DESIGNED, JUST, Litter, Little, Rascal, Reviews, Squirt, TOY/SMALL

Autism Assistance Dogs

Your autistic child is not blind nor has a physical disability that renders them helpless, but most autistic children do lack the ability to make safe choices. Parents of autistic children are diligent, they have to be, but wouldn’t be safer and give the parents more peace of mind is there was an extra set of eyes watching their child. Now there is a service that provides canine assistance to autistic sufferers. 4Paws, the first autistic assistance dog agency, has dogs that can be placed with your autistic child and with a doctor’s approval no family can be turned away.

One of the most disturbing phenomena concerning autism is the child’s ability to just run away. You can be washing dishes and as soon as you turn your back your child can be gone. There are normal situations in which a autistic child can make very dangerous. They can fall into a pool or run into traffic and you would hardly know they were gone. An autistic assistance dog would alert you if your autistic child was to deviate from their normal pattern. Either by barking or by gaining your attention physically, the autistic assistance dog will give you enough warning to catch the child before they put themselves into danger.

Not only will the dog alert you that the child is missing but they will help you track and find the child. The bond between the child and dog is something special and that bond will instill the dog to protect and find your lost child. This relationship tends to be odd for more autistic children because the bonding process does not happen sometimes even if it is a human relationship. The communication process sometimes even excludes the parent from a loving relationship. Testimonials from parents who have received autistic assistance dogs say that they are amazed at how the animals and children interact.

Another benefit to both parents and the child is the parent’s report that the child has more feelings and compassion toward their dog then they do toward siblings or adults. The parents also state that once the dog is placed in the home, the autistic child shows less aggression and anger. In one case a parent said that there autistic child stopped showing frustration all together. Before the canine assistant the child would throw temper tantrums and physically attack the person they were angry at. Now the child, when frustrated, goes and hugs his dog until the anger goes away.

Another behavior that is trained to the assistant dog is to recognize repetitive behavior. If a child is prone to hand flapping as many autistic children demonstrate, it usually takes the touch of a parent to redirect the behavior. Now that is the dog’s responsibility. The dog will gently touch or nuzzle the child when the behavior happens and the child will learn through conditioned response that they are presenting a negative behavior and the behavior will stop.

The only reason that a dog will not be placed in your home is if your home is not suitable for the pet. The cleanliness of your home and your financial ability to own a pet is severely scrutinized. Also the safety of the pet is looked at. If your child is so violent that the dog may be injured because of a temper tantrum or other aggressive action, the agency has the right to deny you a dog or to pull the dog from your home. If you have a puppy that you would like trained to be an autism assistant dog, 4Paws does offer a school in which you, the child, and the dog will be taught to work together as a team.

Visit Autism Diagnosis to learn about autism therapy and autism facts.

Article from

Assistance Dogs - Dogs fot the Disabled provide Assistance Dogs for disabled children and adults in the UK. These dogs are amazing and provide independance and companionship to disabled people
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Find More Assistance Dogs Articles

Technorati Tags: Assistance, Autism, Dogs

Nice Great Pet Web Sites photos

Check out these great pet web sites images:

Barney; Buddy

Image by cliff1066™
George W. Bush and Barney
President George W Bush’s dogs include a Scottish terrier named Barney and an English springer spaniel named Spot. Spot is the only dog to live in the White House during two administrations. Spot was born to Millie, George H.W. Bush’s dog, when George H.W. Bush was President. Spot was given to his son George W. Bush. Barney the Scottish terrier loved to play with his soccer ball, his golf ball and became a fan of playing horseshoes. There are numerous web sites across the Internet devoted to Barney. He has also starred in several "Barney Cam films" available on the White House web site.

Bill Clinton and Buddy
Bill Clinton was a great dog lover. He once quipped, “If you want a friend in Washington you have to get a dog.” As well as a cat named Spot, the Clinton’s had a Chocolate Labrador Retriever named Buddy. Buddy was barely in the White House a month before Newsweek proclaimed, “At last, a friend who can’t testify against him.”

oh thank the lord

Image by emdot

Yesterday I read on Dooce about how she treated Chuck with the Furminator and how it totally fixed the Shed problem they were having. I zipped over to that web site ASAP and today Steve and I bought Chapin a little present.

We only combed him for about 15 minutes. There is still plenty of fur to get rid of, but man… this is a great start. And he LOVED it. The whole time he was purring and purring and purring. But Chapin can only take so much "petting" before he wants to bite you hard when you aren’t looking because he is purring so what is the problem?

It was amazing and very satisfying. If you have a pet hair problem, run do not walk to your local pet supply store.

This advertises for , but we got it for at Tails.


Image by AkaashMaharaj
Cody is our Amazon parrot. He talks, but not a great deal, which to my mind is a virtue sorely lacking in the world.

He is a bit of a greedy fiend, particularly with cheese, which he defends with much aplomb when the cats come to visit.

I have a modest bit of information about Cody at my personal web site, at .

Technorati Tags: Great, Nice, photos, Sites

Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

Homemade Dog Treat Recipes
Over 130 Homemade Dog Treat Recipes. Promote something other than the usual dog training ebooks!
Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

Technorati Tags: Homemade, Recipes, Treat

Nice Dog Puppy Train photos

Some cool dog puppy train images:

12a Guide Dogs of America - Puppy Training (E)
3202825972 4314be03d7 Nice Dog Puppy Train photos

Image by Kansas Sebastian

Keys - Black Lab puppy training

Image by SkyWideDesign
Keys is still a puppy.

Technorati Tags: Nice, photos, PUPPY, Train

Walking the dogs in the snow canyons of Branchburg; Send us your winter photos

Walking the dogs in the snow canyons of Branchburg; Send us your winter photos
Courtesy of Christopher HoltWalking the dogs along the snow canyons of Katydid Drive in Branchburg. BRANCHBURG - Walking the dogs along the snow canyons of Katydid Drive in Branchburg — a photograph courtesy of Christopher Holt. The Messenger-Gazette wants pictures…
Read more on The Somerset Messenger-Gazette

Dogs Tortured, Killed In Carroll County
The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office is searching for the person or persons who tortured and killed two chocolate Labrador retrievers.
Read more on CBS 46 News Atlanta

Technorati Tags: Branchburg, canyons, Dogs, photos, Send, Snow, Walking, winter