Dog Training Book

Dog training advice & books

Nice Teach Dog Fetch photos

A few nice teach dog fetch images I found:

Fetch Lesson
4961632130 6599becdd5 Nice Teach Dog Fetch photos

Image by steews4
Our dog does not fetch. Fetch Lesson: still unsuccessful, but a valiant effort. icon wink Nice Teach Dog Fetch photos
1 - Cut slit in ball and insert treat so it smells like something dog wants to pick up.
2 - Show it to dog, let him smell it’s yumminess and repeat the word "ball" alot.
3 - Throw ball and watch as dog continues to sit at your feet waiting for a treat without having to move.
4 - Laugh as dog walks past ball, while trying hard not to even look at it.
5 - Dog: "…WHY is this game fun?"

Good place to teach new dogs to fetch, and get wet
2755781108 c5d49edcc5 Nice Teach Dog Fetch photos

Image by glenngould

Teaching his stuffed dog to fetch
4719739296 b19481f6f0 Nice Teach Dog Fetch photos

Image by Frustrated Writer

Technorati Tags: Fetch, Nice, photos, Teach

OLD dog litter training, can i teach an old dog new tricks? o-0?

4602806776 cac981339c m OLD dog litter training, can i teach an old dog new tricks? o 0?
by Chris Devers

Question by eatyourself666: OLD dog litter training, can i teach an old dog new tricks? o-0?
got a very old dog in an apt housing, he’s been at a house all his life and is used to going through a doggy door, im wanting to train him to use a litter box, any tips for helping this to happen? i have a cat too, should i give them seperate boxes? is it possible to train a dog that has to “walk it out” to use a confined area like that to go? can he learn to do it while being still? he’s old and i love him but im tired of the smell, if i can teach him i’d like to try, cant stand walking him with my busy schedule and even when i do he messes anyway because he cant even last my work hours without going… more description he’s um about 14 yrs old in human years, nearly blind, nearly deaf, not quite completely either, he’s a mutt, midsized, maybe 13 pds, pointers would be great, or any contact nfo2 people that work with pets would be awsome, thanks

p.s. i’ve read a bit of pet pads, any of them work good? odor attraction type pads i mean, im interested but skeptical, any success stories?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeny

Add your own answer in the comments!

Technorati Tags: Litter, Teach, Training, tricks

How to teach your dog: Roll Over and Play Dead

Thank you for featuring this YouTube. A video on training your dog how to roll over and play dead. An introduction to clicker training:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Teach your dog new tricks, like how to roll over. Learn how with expert tips on dog tricks in this free pet care and obedience video. Expert: Kim Amatucci Bio: Kim Amatucci is a practicing Pet Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant. She has been training since 2002 and been working with her own pets for the past 13 years. Filmmaker: Travis Waack

Technorati Tags: Dead, Over, Play, Roll, Teach

You Can Teach Your Dog to Eliminate on Command

You Can Teach Your Dog to Eliminate on Command

41DD681K84L. SL160  You Can Teach Your Dog to Eliminate on Command

If you normally walk your dog for elimination and exercise, the only extra time you will have to spend teaching PPC (positive potty control) to your dog is the time it takes you to read these pages! All of the actual teaching will take place during the normal walks you must take anyway. The entire training time needed to accomplish your goal is less than five minutes during the entire week.

buynow big You Can Teach Your Dog to Eliminate on Command

List Price: $ 14.95

Price: $ 379.88

Technorati Tags: Command, Eliminate, Teach

How to Train Puppies : Teach Your Puppy their Name

Teach your new puppy to respond to their name in this free video. Expert: Melanie McLeroy Contact: Bio: Melanie McLeroy co-owns the award winning Taurus Training dog training facility in Austin, Texas. She is also certified in animal CPR and first aid. Filmmaker: EV studios

Technorati Tags: Name, Puppies, PUPPY, Teach, their, Train