by Tricia Wang 王圣捷
Some believe that when a dog gets to be a certain age that it has become to late to teach him proper behavior. These beliefs are false. Sure, it may be true that training a pup might be a little easier, but training an older dog can sure be done.
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Many times you will have some knowledge of the older dog that you want to train. In the case that your dog is a stray his background will be unknown. Therefore,if you know very little of your dogs past you will need to approach the training with a kind spirit.
Below you will find a few tips to help with your older dog and a few of these tips will prove useful in training a pup.
*Time To Relearn
Be prepared because your older dog will have picked up some pretty bad habits. Not only will you have a few things to teach him, you are going to have to un-teach him things. Just remember, up to this stage in his life, he does not know any better.
Now that you know that it’s coming, be ready to stop him right in his tracks.
*Watch Your Tone
A tool with a lot of impact will be a nice firm voice as you begin the teaching process, not yelling, just a firm tone. In order for your dog to fully believe that you are in control of the situation always avoid sounding upset or angry. Look for the positive and when you see it, give him a treat and an awful lot of praise.
*One Word Commands
When you begin training your dog, older dog or even a puppy you should really use single word commands. Your pet will understand things much easier with words like; Stay, Come,Down or Sit than he will, “Stay right here” or “I said come here”
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*The First Time
Once your dog has a basic understanding of a command, he needs to do whatever it is that you ask him the first time. Begging is one thing that you should not do. One important note. When you want your dog to come, Spot Come, and if he doesn’t, do not delay calmly go and get him, of course if he does come Lots Of Praise. When you use a command three or four times before taking action then your dog knows that the first command means absolutely nothing.
*Good Behavior=Rewards
Here is one thing to be conscious of, rewarding your dog with treats and praise for a job well done will take you where you want to go much faster than punishing him for unacceptable behavior. Any time your dog follows a command that you have given him, shower him with attention and praise.
Positive reinforcement is one of the best tools that you can use to train an older dog or puppy.
Parish the thought that just because your dog is a little older that it will just be to complicated. By using correct training methods, it will seem like it took no time at all for your older dog to begin behaving properly.
Click for Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems
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