Dog Training Book

Dog training advice & books

Archive for March, 2011

Dog Training Schools & Daycare * Highest Conversion 70%/Sale

Dog Training Schools & Daycare * Highest Conversion 70%/Sale
2010 revolution pays up to 70%/sale. Highest conversion for the niche Dog Training Schools and Dog Daycare. Every 4 houses, they have 1 or 2 dogs. We’ve tested the market and doing survey of all keywords. Banners to promote this product available.
Dog Training Schools & Daycare * Highest Conversion 70%/Sale

Dog Training Master Class
This is the Best Value for the Money on Dog Training! 5 Ebooks, 2+ hours of MP3′s and 2 Big Bonuses. Great Conversions, Sales Copy Updated to get even better sales- 75% Payout! Free Affiliates Tools at: ml
Dog Training Master Class

Technorati Tags: 70%/Sale, Conversion, Daycare, Highest, Schools, Training

Cat & Kitten Care : About Cat Behavior Problems

Cat behavior problems develop between the ages of six to 12 weeks, and they can include aggression towards humans or other animals and urination, especially in males who mark their territory. Assess feline behavior problems at an early age withadvice from a practicing veterinarian in this free video on pet care. Expert: Dr. James Talbott Bio: Dr. James R. Talbott is a staff veterinarian at Belle Forest Animal Hospital and Kennel in Nashville, Tenn. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge

Technorati Tags: About, Behavior, Care, Kitten, Problems

meet nike

Some cool dallas dog obedience images:

meet nike
18644297 a69535e6dc meet nike

Image by fallsroad
a sweet yellow lab, six months old, with eyes to die for.

nike is currently being fostered by a volunteer trainer who lives in dallas, who pays all the bills out of his pocket, takes nike everywhere he goes (literally - shops, movies, restaurants, business trips) and engages her in rigorous obedience training.

when her basic training and socialization is complete nike will go to the national headquarters of Paws With A Cause to enter highly specialized training for specific client needs. eventually, if she is certified, she will be paired with a person with disabilities to provide assistance. from start to finish, the training costs about ,000 per dog. that sum also covers continued training in the field, plus a replacement dog should the original one be retired due to age or infirmity.

nike’s foster trainer came up to oklahoma for a charity golf tournament sponsored by the oklahoma chapter of PWAC to raise funds for those people in oklahoma who are in need of assistance dogs.

i am awaiting confirmation from PWAC that i will be a recipient of a seizure assistance dog. it was particularly poignant for me to meet some of the dedicated people who take these puppies into their homes and lives to prepare them for the journey that may ultimately lead, one day, to my side.

Technorati Tags: meet, nike

Decorated Mouse Pad with burying, barnyard, bone, digging, hole, animal, farm, dog, puppy Reviews

Decorated Mouse Pad with burying, barnyard, bone, digging, hole, animal, farm, dog, puppy

51QQCyCPsXL. SL160  Decorated Mouse Pad with burying, barnyard, bone, digging, hole, animal, farm, dog, puppy Reviews

Professional “Brite White” fabric mouse pads are among the most versatile and durable, providing brilliant graphic reproduction for spot color or full color imprints. This durable polyester surface is above industry standards and provides a superior product value overall. Designed to reproduce vibrant detailed images. Our mouse pads have white fabric top with the 100% genuine black rubber base (not the cheap foam your seen on other advertisements).

buynow big Decorated Mouse Pad with burying, barnyard, bone, digging, hole, animal, farm, dog, puppy Reviews

Price: $ 9.95

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Technorati Tags: Animal, barnyard, bone, burying, Decorated, digging, farm, hole, Mouse, PUPPY, Reviews

Most popular Innotek Dog Training Collar auctions

Most popular innotek dog training collar eBay auctions:

New SD-70 Innotek Lap Dog Remote Training Shock Collar
200533756596 0 Most popular Innotek Dog Training Collar auctionsUS $104.95
End Date: Monday Apr-18-2011 11:00:55 PDT
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Innotek Dog Training Wireless Remote Shock Collar FS-15
320684399952 0 Most popular Innotek Dog Training Collar auctionsUS $64.00 (13 Bids)
End Date: Monday Apr-18-2011 16:03:50 PDT
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Innotek Rechargeable Dog Training No Bark Collar BC200
140525771156 0 Most popular Innotek Dog Training Collar auctionsUS $69.90
End Date: Tuesday Apr-19-2011 8:36:40 PDT
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Technorati Tags: auctions, COLLAR, Innotek, Most, popular, Training

Dog Training Home Study Course.

Dog Training Home Study Course.
Earn over from this high converting Dog Training Course that delivers the highest value for money for your visitor. If you want a High converting Dog Training product to sell, but one that delivers real value to your visitor, then this is it!
Dog Training Home Study Course.

Technorati Tags: Course., Home, Study, Training

Older Dog Training - How To Train Adult Dog

3085875656 f0a7fe0a05 m Older Dog Training   How To Train Adult Dog
by Tricia Wang 王圣捷

Some believe that when a dog gets to be a certain age that it has become to late to teach him proper behavior. These beliefs are false. Sure, it may be true that training a pup might be a little easier, but training an older dog can sure be done.

Click for Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems

Many times you will have some knowledge of the older dog that you want to train. In the case that your dog is a stray his background will be unknown. Therefore,if you know very little of your dogs past you will need to approach the training with a kind spirit.

Below you will find a few tips to help with your older dog and a few of these tips will prove useful in training a pup.

*Time To Relearn

Be prepared because your older dog will have picked up some pretty bad habits. Not only will you have a few things to teach him, you are going to have to un-teach him things. Just remember, up to this stage in his life, he does not know any better.

Now that you know that it’s coming, be ready to stop him right in his tracks.

*Watch Your Tone

A tool with a lot of impact will be a nice firm voice as you begin the teaching process, not yelling, just a firm tone. In order for your dog to fully believe that you are in control of the situation always avoid sounding upset or angry. Look for the positive and when you see it, give him a treat and an awful lot of praise.

*One Word Commands

When you begin training your dog, older dog or even a puppy you should really use single word commands. Your pet will understand things much easier with words like; Stay, Come,Down or Sit than he will, “Stay right here” or “I said come here”

Click for Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems

*The First Time

Once your dog has a basic understanding of a command, he needs to do whatever it is that you ask him the first time. Begging is one thing that you should not do. One important note. When you want your dog to come, Spot Come, and if he doesn’t, do not delay calmly go and get him, of course if he does come Lots Of Praise. When you use a command three or four times before taking action then your dog knows that the first command means absolutely nothing.

*Good Behavior=Rewards

Here is one thing to be conscious of, rewarding your dog with treats and praise for a job well done will take you where you want to go much faster than punishing him for unacceptable behavior. Any time your dog follows a command that you have given him, shower him with attention and praise.

Positive reinforcement is one of the best tools that you can use to train an older dog or puppy.

Parish the thought that just because your dog is a little older that it will just be to complicated. By using correct training methods, it will seem like it took no time at all for your older dog to begin behaving properly.

Click for Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems

More Dog Training Techniques Tips:

Dog Food Secrets is your best guide to a healthy and happy dog which would have an increased life span. The book gives you guide lines to preparing home made recipes for your dog. You will be able to feed your dog with a well balanced and calorie controlled food. The book also tells you about the principles of nutrition and calorie for your dog.

Clicker training - A best selling dog training book, Clickertraining: The 4 Secrets of Becoming a Super Trainer can help you teach your dog. Originating from Norway it has been published in Sweden, Denmark and Finland as well. With more than 45,000 hard copies sold it has become the number one clicker training resource available today.

Dove Cresswell’s Dog Training program is the fastest, most effective, and most FUN way to train your dog. Her online video training series is the preferred method of dog owners everywhere. The great thing about Dove’s series is that it’s not bogged down with confusing information or off-topic content. Her videos get right to the point. Why waste your time on anything else?

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Technorati Tags: Adult, older, Train, Training

Cool Prevent Dog From Digging images

Check out these prevent dog from digging images:

Just another brick in the lawn….
476146693 3e865aab86 Cool Prevent Dog From Digging images

Image by dieselbug2007
Same mole hole, but the brick is to prevent our dog from digging at it.

Dad’s brilliant idea….

Dog House Through the Rubber Flap
381596558 53de1ef622 Cool Prevent Dog From Digging images

Image by Feral Indeed!
I can actually see Quey’s doghouse through the thick rubbery new flap on the doggy door!
The dogpen is surrounded by a 6 foot high chainlink fence.
The dog house is supported by large heavy planks of wood to prevent it from plunging into the humongous hole the dogs dug. I think my Akitas were determined to have a "basement"!

Quey doesn’t even go inside here. My Akitas before him did. But Quey loves it when it’s icy cold outside, so he has no reason to use it.

Minerva, on the other hand, likes to lay in the doorway, and under the house when Quey is outside with her.

As a note:
Those are antique license plates tacked to the roof. Various States, from the very early 1900′s.
An Amish plaque from Lancaster, PA, usually nailed to the sides of a barn or a home in Amish country for abundant life.
The newer plate, tacked on the frontside of the house, "LUV-U2", I found at a garage sale.

That’s fake Saguaro cactus! I wouldn’t want my goofy boy to hurt himself playing with a real one!

That’s a cat toy in the foreground!
I used to think Minerva was taking things outside at night. Wishful thinking on my part. I’ve since discovered that Quey steals things that don’t belong to him!

Akita Dogs

Technorati Tags: Cool, digging, from, images, prevent

Inspirational video - Turning disappointment into joy: From Service Dog to SURFice Dog

Join Ricochet on Facebook! - Kleenex alert! Each person who watches this inspirational video finds an individual message that touches them on many levels, & brings them to tears. It’s about acceptance, adjusting expectations, & focusing on the “can do’s” in life which allows for a celebration of amazing outcomes. Ricochet is an internationally renowned champion surf dog at the center of media attention, who has become an inspirational phenomenon, motivational role model, internet sensation, fundraising marvel, goodwill ambassador, and muse to millions! This video depicts her journey from birth to 15 months of age, as she goes through her service dog training, which is cut short due to her propensity to chase birds. Her role changed to SURFice dog & she started to fundraise for quadriplegic surfer, Patrick Ivison, who she met the night before this video was filmed. The intention was for the two of them to surf a wave together on their own surfboards. At one point, when they surfed into shore, Ricochet jumped off her board, and onto Patrick’s. It was her decision to surf tandem with him! Once the video went viral, she turned it into a platform to help more people/animals & she’s raised over 000 in the last year. She promotes kindness, charity, philanthropy, and social responsibility, such as her video about anti-bullying “You’re amazing just the way you are!” For more info on Ricochet, her surfing, her charitable causes, or to make a donation, go to www

Technorati Tags: disappointment, from, Inspirational, into, Service, SURFice, Turning, Video

All About Dog Obesity and Obedience

4925935757 478508058e m All About Dog Obesity and Obedience
by Wellyproject

Would you expect a boss to ask an unhealthy, overweight employee to suddenly do something like carrying sacks of cement at a jobsite for a whole day? That would have to be a pretty sadistic boss. Let’s say you yourself are a bit flabby and lacking in exercise, would you suddenly decide to run a marine obstacle course? Of course you wouldn’t.

It is odd then that so many people enroll their extremely overweight and clearly unhealthy dogs in obedience and basic agility courses. The sight of a pathetically unhealthy dog struggling to jump over obstacles and clamber over frames is all too common in such courses. With one look at the poor pets, that try bravely to obey their masters, you can tell they are not having a good time at all.

Such dogs should be put on a strict controlled diet and exercise program. Many people are of the mindset that an overweight dog is not unhealthy the way an overweight human is. Nothing could be further from the truth. An obese dog is every bit as unhealthy and at risk to all kinds of disorders as an obese person. If your dog is so big that you can’t feels his ribs, or if your dog’s torso does not taper down behind his rib cage, then your dog is too fat, and you aren’t loving your pet correctly by over indulging him.

The good news is that no time is a bad time to start feeding your dog right, and putting your pet on a proper exercise program. If your dog is older, there is all the more reason to do it, as older dogs joints tend to hurt from carrying too much weight.

To ensure the success of your program, you need to get the cooperation of your family, your neighbors, and anyone who comes into contact with your dog on a regular basis. There is no point to strictly regulating what your dog eats if other people are “sneaking” him or her treats in between meals. Giving of table scraps and unscheduled feedings should be eliminated completely. If you have a cat, or other dogs, then be sure that none of the food intended for your other pets is left lying around. Secure every possible source of food, your dog will get desperate and may try to knock over trashcans and paw at known food sources like cabinets.

Consult your vet on how much food you should give your dog, and how frequently you should give it. You may need to “tweak” this if your dog doesn’t show results after a couple of weeks. Don’t make any adjustments to the dog’s diet with consulting your vet first. If you have your dog enrolled in an obedience program and the method used is click and treat, then be sure you take note of your dog’s treat consumption so that it you can adjust properly on the main meals.

Unlike people, dogs can’t will themselves to exercise for the sake of good health. An overweight dog is a lazy dog, and there is really no way to motivate a dog to exercise, the only way to get a dog to exercise is to trick him into it.

If you can somehow manage it, swimming is the best form of exercise for a dog. If you have a swimming pool, access to one, or live near a lake, or river fit for swimming, there is really no substitute for it. Having your dog swim for 10 minutes is like taking him on a 6 mile walk. Swimming works every important muscle group in a dog’s body.

You can go jogging with your dog too, unfortunately, to gain any meaningful benefit, you need to go 6 miles each time, even assuming you are fit enough to do it, how many people have the time to jog 6 miles a day?

You can try riding a bike with your dog on a leash, there is the danger though that your dog will see another dog and pull your bike off, this isn’t that great an idea if you have a big strong dog, unless you have a route where you know there is little chance of encountering another dog.

More and more people are training dogs to run on treadmills, Should you wish to try this, make sure the treadmill is safe for dogs, which is to say there is little or no chance that your dog’s paws will get caught under the belt. Make sure the hair under your dog’s paws is properly trimmed so that he has proper traction. If you get two treadmills, you can run side by side with your dog.

If budget is not a concern there is now such a thing as an underwater treadmill. The belt is submerged in water and the dog is immersed up to the elbows. The dog will have to jog with water providing resistance. This is especially good for older dogs as it is easier on the joints.

If you have a dog that is trained to retrieve a ball, then you’re in luck, retrieving a ball is great exercise for dogs. Just find a nice open field, and throw the ball as far as you can, if you can’t throw it over 40 yards, you can use a tennis racket to help you hit it farther. This is great exercise for your dog as well.

If you follow a good program, and follow it well, your dog will shed off those pounds very quickly. Once your dog hits the set target weight though, you should increase his food intake but maintain the exercise. The idea is to give just enough food to maintain your dog’s ideal weight; you may have to tweak the amount as you go along.

Once your dog is healthy, you will see a marked difference in his demeanor during obedience training. The right diet and exercise will make having a dog that much more enriching an experience for both you and your dog.

Amber Contant is a featured adviser and author discussing the issues that all pet owning families will experience. Amber works with Pet-Super-Store. Visit her site for a great selection of pet beds.

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